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RCYT: Course Agenda
1. General Background
2. Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers
3. Teaching Methodology
4. Techniques, Training and Practice
5. Anatomy and Physiology
6. Practicum
7. Elective
General Background: Introduction (2 Hours)
1. Welcome Letter
2. Introduction to ShareLove.Fund
3. Meet Our Founder
4. Meet Our Instructors
5. Meet Our Community
6. RCYT Syllabus
7. RCYT Manual
8. What To Expect
9. Ethical Guidelines & Liability Waiver
10. Course Survey
General Background: Children's Development (1 Hour)
1. Children's Development Overview
2. Children's Development In Preschool
3. Children's Development In Elementary School
4. Children's Development In Middle School
General Background: Benefits Of Children's Yoga (2 Hours)
1. Benefits of Children's Yoga Overview
2. Benefits of Teaching Yoga In School
3. Physical Benefits of Yoga for Teenagers
4. General Teenage Yoga Benefits
5. Yoga Is A Germ Safer Exercise
General Background: Impact of Yoga In Different Circumstances (3 Hours)
1. Overview of Children's Yoga In Different Circumstances
2. Yoga Poses to Reduce Test Anxiety
3. Yoga for Children with Autism
4. Yoga for Children with ADHD
5. Cerebral Palsy and Yoga for Children
6. Can Yoga Help with Scoliosis?
7. Yoga and Child Development
8. Yoga Poses That Can Help People with Cancer
9. Yoga Poses for Children with Down Syndrome
General Background: Benefits of Children's Yoga: Preschool (1 Hour)
1. Increased Flexibility
2. Strength & Resilience
3. Improves Concentration
4. Improves Breath Control
5. Raises Body Awareness & Self Image
6. Mitigates Stress
7. Feasibility
General Background: Benefits of Children's Yoga: Elementary (1 Hour)
1. Flexibility
2. Strength & Resilience
3. Better Balance
4. Improves Concentration
5. Self Control via Breathwork
6. Raises Body Awareness & Self Image
7. Mitigates Stress
8. Feasibility
General Background: Benefits of Children's Yoga: Middle (1 Hour)
1. Flexibility
2. Strength & Resilience
3. Better Balance
4. Improves Concentration
5. Self Regulation via Breathwork
6. Raises Body Awareness & Self Image
7. Mitigates Stress
8. Feasibility
General Background: Communication When Teaching Yoga (1 Hour)
1. Communication Overview
2. Communication with Preschool Children
3. Communication with Elementary School Children
4. Communication with Middle School Children
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers: Introduction (1 Hour)
1. Overview of Philosophy
2. Ethical Guidelines Agreement
3. Sample Letter
4. Philosophy Book Summary
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers: Historical & Philosophical Overview (3 Hours)
1. History
2. Sanskirt
3. Philosophy
4. Kleshas
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers: Schools of Yoga Philosophy (2 Hours)
1. Introduction
2. Ananda
3. Anusara
4. Ashtanga
5. Bikram
6. Integral
7. Iyengar
8. Kripalu
9. Kundalini
10. Sivananda
11. Svaroopa
12. Viniyoga
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers: Sanskrit (3 Hours)
1. Benefits of Teaching Sanskrit To Children
2. Sanskrit
3. Meaning of Yoga in Sanskrit
4. Meaning of Namaste in Sanskrit
5. Meaning of Aum in Sanskrit
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers: Yoga Ethics (2 Hours)
1. Overview
2. 8 Limbs Of Yoga
3. Overview of Yamas
4. Nonviolence
5. Honesty
6. Nonstealing
7. Conservation
8. Nongreed
9. Niyamas Overview
10. Cleanliness
11. Contentment
12. Self-Discipline
13. Study/Learning
14. Surrender
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers: Poses In Sanskrit (1 Hour)
1. Sukhasana
2. Marjaiasana/Bitilasana
3. Tadasana
4. Uttanasana
5. Virabhadrasana II
6. Viparita Virabhadrasana
7. Utthita Parsvakonasana
8. Anjaneyasana
9. Trikonasana
10. Parivrtta Trikonasana
11. Parsvottanasana
12. Virabhadrasana I
13. Prasarita Padottanasana
14. Parivrtta Prasarita Padotanasana
15. Virabhadrasana III
16. Ardha Chandrasana
17. Parvritta Ardha Chandrasana
18. Utkatasana
19. Vrikshasana
20. Natarajasana
21. Garudasana
22. Utthita Hasta Padangustasana
23. Malasana
24. Virasana
25. Vajrasana
26. Ustrasana
27. Phalakasana II
28. Catur Svanasana
29. Salamba Bhujangasana
30. Salabhasana
31. Dhanurasana
32. Urdhva Dhanurasana
33. Matsyasana
34. Ananda Balasana
35. Sarvangasana
36. Paschimottanasana
37. Upavistha Konasana
38. Baddha Konasana
39. Supta Baddha Konasana
40. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
41. Jathara Parivartanasana
42. Bakasana
43. Navasana
44. Ardha Matsyendrasana
45. Savasana
Teaching Methodology: Introduction (1 Hour)
1. Introduction to Teaching Methodology
2. How To Teach Children's Yoga
3. How Parents Can Teach Children's Yoga
4. Ethical Guidelines
Teaching Methodology: Leading A Professional Class (8 Hours)
1. Letter To Parents
2. Sequencing
3. Sample Sequences
4. Cues
5. Flexibility/Modifications
6. Professionalism
Teaching Methodology: Preschool Children (2 Hours)
1. Citizenship & Identity
2. Creative Expression
3. Numeracy
4. Literacy
5. Physical Wellbeing
6. Personal & Social Interactions
Teaching Methodology: Elementary School Children (2 Hours)
1. Language Arts
2. Mathematics
3. History
4. Science
5. Physical Education
6. Health & Life Skills
7. Foreign Language
8. Art
9. Music
10. Drama
11. Conclusion
Teaching Methodology: Middle School Children (2 Hours)
1. Language Arts (English)
2. Mathematics
3. History
4. Science
5. Physical Education
6. Health & Life Skills
7. Foreign Language
8. Art
9. Music & Drama
Techniques, Training and Practice: Introduction (1 Hour)
1. Introduction
2. General Cues for Alignment
3. Koshas
4. Chakras
Techniques, Training and Practice: Breathwork (3 Hours)
1. Philosophy of Pranayama
2. Understanding the Breath
3. Yoga for Asthma
4. Breathing Exercises
Techniques, Training and Practice: Asanas (5 Hours)
1. Introduction
2. Sun Salutation A
3. Asana Poses
4. Sample Sequences
Techniques, Training and Practice: Meditation (3 Hours)
1. Introduction
2. What Is Meditation?
3. Benefits of Meditation
4. Affirmations In Meditation
5. Seated Relaxation
6. Introduction To Guided Imagery
7. Guided Imagery Relaxation Exercises
Techniques, Training and Practice: Application: Preschool Exercises (2 Hours)
1. Bubble Time
2. Beach
3. Garden
4. Birds
5. Colors
6. Animals
Techniques, Training and Practice: Application: Elementary School Exercises (2 Hours)
1. Clouds
2. Goals
3. Balloon
4. Breathing
5. Confidence
Techniques, Training and Practice: Application: Middle School Exercises (2 Hours)
1. Perspective
2. Rainbow
3. Symbols
4. Tense & Release
5. Park
6. Waves
Techniques, Training and Practice: Application: Creative Exercises (2 Hours)
1. Introduction
2. Creative Exercises To Include
3. Games & Activities
Anatomy & Physiology: General (5 Hours)
1. General Anatomy
2. Major Bones & Muscles
3. Developmental Milestones
4. Physiological Effects of Yogic Practices
5. Comparison of Anatomy in Adults and Children
Anatomy & Physiology: Understanding The Respiratory System With Prana (5 Hours)
1. Introduction
2. Asthma
3. Key Points
4. Preschool: Air Walk
5. Preschool: Counting
6. Preschool: Extending
7. Elementary School: Observing The Breath
8. Elementary School: Swimming Stuffies
9. Middle School: Take 5
10. Middle School: Diaphragmatic Breathing
Practicum: Observations (6 Hours)
1. Class Observations
2. Sample Classes
Practicum: Teaching (12 Hours)
1. Teaching Practicum
2. RCYT Exam (Optional)
Elective: Chair Yoga (4 Hours)
1. Introduction
2. Side Stretch
3. Breath to Land
4. Spinal Wave
5. Wind Breath
6. Finger and Thumb
7. Mirrors
8. Sensory Poem
Elective: Partner Yoga (4 Hours)
1. Introduction
2. Warmup: Partner Yoga Breathing
3. Warmup: Peaceful Reflections
4. Back to Warmup: Back Seated or Standing Movements
5. Postures: Partner Warrior 2
6. Postures: Reverse Warrior
7. Postures: Back to Back Triangle
8. Postures: Partner Simple Standing Back Bend
9. Postures: Partner Sit
10. Postures: Partner Tree Pose
11. Postures: Partner Cobbler’s Pose/ Chest Opener
12. Postures: Seated Partner Twist
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